Mobile media marketing has continued to grow at a meteoric pace as many web companies recognise the huge potential in mobile marketing.

As new technologies emerge and standard websites are converted to ones can easily be accessed by mobile devices, companies will need to ensure that there websites are mobile-friendly. The mobile phone is a device on which we find all the traditional forms of advertising such as print, image and voice, wrapped into one small but widely used device. This leads the way for new and innovative opportunities to provide the consumer with improved brand and marketing experiences.

Benefits of Mobile Marketing:

Mobile campaigns are relatively easy to create and fast to execute
Delivery of SMS messages to mobile phones is almost guaranteed
You can market your messages to consumer mobile devices anytime and anywhere
Text messages or personalised content is targeted to individuals who have opted to receive them
Encourages viral marketing with the built-in tools for forwarding of the messages to the existing social networks

I love this cartoon video on how Mobile Marketing works, check it out: