Google recently launched a very funky interactive, creative Digital Guidebook which takes users through an interactive journey of the various properties owned by Google.

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The Digital Creativity Village will take users through an interactive journey of Google incorporating YouTube, Mobile, Maps, Search and Google+. Users simply drag and flip pages to go to the next section.

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Each section has provides users with the option to click on a magnifying glass to reveal more about the particular property by taking the user to a brief explanation of the property with a brief video or other informational resources.

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The user can then navigate further through each property’s informational section to discover more about the property and how to take advantage of the opportunities that each property presents.

This is an excellent example of engaging and enriched content to improve the user experience. Very clever Google, well done indeed.

Go on, check it out (it’s a little addictive I must add). Click here to experience the Digital Creative Guidebook: