Article marketing is regarded by Internet marketing experts as one of the most effective promotional methods to publicise your website and to increase the number of back links (incoming links) to your website content.
To ensure ongoing awareness, articles should be submitted to suitable article directories, content publishers, article announcement lists and content syndication (RSS feeds). Prior to submitting articles the content should optimised for search engines.
By submitting different versions of the article there is far more chance that pages displaying your article will avoid relegation, will maintain and grow Page Rank, and maintain the status of a high-quality non-duplicated content page. Each article should be published on your own website first and should include a bookmark button to encourage social bookmarking.
Benefit of Article Marketing:
The more articles you write, the more web sites will choose to publish your articles online, the more inbound links your site will receive
More back links from articles increases the value, meaning that ranking in search
Published pages have a higher Page Rank
Generates long-term traffic directly as well as boosts your search engine rankings
Enhances your reputation and credibility as a subject matter expert
Check out this video for some great Article Marketing Tips to help you get your articles to the top of Google search results: