Repurposing your content means that you are presenting the content using different mediums (distribution channels) to
deliver value to a targeted audience. Different users like to receive content in different ways, some like to see it
(visual), some like to hear it (auditory), some like to engage with it (kinesthetic).

Follow this step-by-step guide to making the most out of your content:

1.   Start by writing an article for a publication (e.g. 1,500 words).
2.   Convert the main article into multiple articles for your website (e.g. 500 to 700 words each).
3.   Break each article into short paragraph entries for your blog in order to get more pages indexed in Google. This also
encourages syndication of your content via subscribed RSS feeds.
4.   Submit your article to article banks (e.g.
5.   Turn your content into a live presentation or workshop from which you can earn revenue.
6.   Record your live presentation as a video and post it onto YouTube or create a Podcast and publish it on iTunes.
Don’t forget to add this content to your own website .
7.   Combine all your articles into a hand-out booklet that you can send to clients, include in marketing collateral or give to
delegates attending your live presentations.
8.   You can publish a printed book (or even an eBook) containing all your articles and insights for which you can earn revenue on book sales.
9.   Burn your articles onto CD’s and distribute them to clients or prospective clients.
10. Convert your presentations into slideshows and add narration such as videos and audio. You can upload your slideshow onto and also put it onto your own website.
11.  Publish your content in your newsletters (both print or online).
12. Distribute your content as a press release. You may even get a radio interview or two out of it.

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